Survivor Stories
Survivor Stories are poems, letters and essays written by local survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse.
A Leap to Freedom
I guess you would say that I am not only taking a huge chance but also a leap to freedom by preparing to escape my abuser, who is my...
Today is like any other day, sadly
Today I woke up (thankfully) after a horrible night filled with my husband throwing me around the room and hitting me. He came home and...
To anyone who may care; I know it was my choice to marry this man, who hits me every day. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t...
A day in the life of a Domestic Violence Survivor, that’s ME
I may be nameless to strangers who don’t know me, but I struggle everyday to feel human, as my husband has made me feel less than human,...
What you hear is what you want to hear….
As I was asked to write my story of survival, in my journey as a domestic violence survivor, I thought of the fact that no one really...
You is Kind, You is Smart, You is Important.
I was watching a movie, not long ago, with the words I say to myself everyday, since the first day he hit me, and caused a bad bloody...
A Thought of Strength
As I was walking this morning, to clear my head, after another emotional draining morning, of my abuser husband hitting me and throwing...
Like a butterfly……I am finally free! If I believe in myself, which is very difficult, I can accomplish anything. Look at me NOW! I left...
I am a mystery to many people
I am a mystery to many people, who think that abuse is something you just “get over.” Haha…..yeah sure…. I have heard that term, time and...
The Story of My Scars
A Scar is a Mark. A Scar is Damage done. Scars Hurt! My Scars do not define who I am, but they are part of me. I began what I thought was...
Angels are everywhere
I like to think of a time, long ago, when I was truly happy. Will I ever be again? I hope so, I pray it will be so, but I don’t know. I...
Some Days
Some days, I just like to sit by myself in the forest preserve, after taking a long and peaceful walk. I just like to sit and listen, to...
Dear Lord,
Dear Lord, I ask for your strength today. You see – I escaped a few days ago, as you know. But… I am scared, I am stressed, I am afraid....